Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Fun!

We had a nice enjoyable weekend. I was not very good with the camera so I don't have too many photos. We had a play date with Angela and Brayden Saturday morning at the park. Sadly I was really bad with the camera and only have one photo. Mostly we just hung around the house and did projects and let little Miss Taylor entertain us.

My one park picture. Taylor enjoying the swings.

Taylor's latest thing...she comes and gets you by pulling your hand and drags you to where she would like to go. Since we have a snack problem in our house she usually drags you to the pantry and starts pointing at her puffs. I need to stop buying puffs because she likes them WAY too much.

Taylor: I love you Hampden
Hampden: The feeling is not mutual...scram

Taylor checking Hampden's teeth.
He is so sweet and just sits there and takes her poking and prodding. Well he does lick her about 12 times while she is harassing him so I guess that is his way of paying her back.

Taylor making sure Aubrey's stomach feels okay. Can you tell she has no fear of dogs and is absolutely obsessed with them?

Lastly, I leave you with my new favorite video of T-Monster. She is finding her inner soul sister and busting out with some new fab moves. She gets a little excited at times as you will see. Its so much funnier in person so next time you see her hopefully her dancing side will be ready to perform!


  1. Oh my goodness - I LOVE that video! AND can not wait to see Ellie and Taylor play together!
