...because Aunt Kathryn left and took all of her fancy makeup with her. I guess she thinks my CVS makeup that I have had for about 5 years is not quite up to her standards. Kathryn flew in and flew out in about a 24 hour period. I think it was the quickest trip ever. She had only been in our house for about 5 minutes before Taylor discovered her suitcase and more importantly her makeup bag. For those that were with us in Farmville it was the same joy she felt for Jans jewelry bag and eyeglasses. Here are a couple of cute pictures of Aunt Kathryn and Taylor. Taylor helping Aunt Kathryn unpack So sweet...She loves her Aunt Kack! I think she is really happy because she found the makeup bag Makeup time begins. I am sure Kathryn loved all of her nice brushes going in Taylor's mouth and her powder, blush, eye shadow's and liners being flung across the room. Is this all mine? After makeup time she went to her new favorite game running and then throwing herself into your arms. I did foresee a future that made me a little nervous. With the two of them loving makeup Aunt Kack better not even think about getting her into pagents!
We had a nice enjoyable weekend. I was not very good with the camera so I don't have too many photos. We had a play date with Angela and Brayden Saturday morning at the park. Sadly I was really bad with the camera and only have one photo. Mostly we just hung around the house and did projects and let little Miss Taylor entertain us. My one park picture. Taylor enjoying the swings. Taylor's latest thing...she comes and gets you by pulling your hand and drags you to where she would like to go. Since we have a snack problem in our house she usually drags you to the pantry and starts pointing at her puffs. I need to stop buying puffs because she likes them WAY too much. Taylor: I love you Hampden Hampden: The feeling is not mutual...scram Taylor checking Hampden's teeth. He is so sweet and just sits there and takes her poking and prodding. Well he does lick her about 12 times while she is harassing him so I guess that is his way of paying her back. Taylor making sure Aubrey's stomach feels okay. Can you tell she has no fear of dogs and is absolutely obsessed with them?
Lastly, I leave you with my new favorite video of T-Monster. She is finding her inner soul sister and busting out with some new fab moves. She gets a little excited at times as you will see. Its so much funnier in person so next time you see her hopefully her dancing side will be ready to perform!
I was cleaning out my inbox at work today and discovered this old picture of Taylor when she was about 2 weeks old having a play date with her friend Anna. After looking at the picture my first thought was who's baby is that? My second thought was how in the world did I think she was the prettiest thing I had ever seen? Haha I definitely had the mothers eye syndrome. I still think she is so stinkin cute, but she is much easier on the eyes now!
We went down to Nags Head this weekend to celebrate Gin Gin's birthday. We had a beautiful and relaxing weekend. We quickly realized that we have a BIG problem with our picky little daughter. As soon as her little toes hit the sand, a loud cry was released. The same result happened every time her little toes even slightly brushed the sand or remotely got close to touching the sand. We tried bribery and toy overload. I was even building sand castles alone. Nothing worked. The princess would only tolerate being held or sitting on a lounge chair with a plush towel. John was quick to point out that she was definitely my daughter. I guess its time I admit that I don't like the sand either. I love the beach and love looking at the waves, but I would be just fine with my chair sitting in grass or even on cement. Sand is so messy and just gets into everything. Sorry Taylor that you might be getting those feelings from me. We have two big beach trips this summer. Hopefully cousin William will make her think differently of the sand. She usually wants to do what he is doing. I am sure she will realize that she can't take all of his toys if she won't get into the sand!
Her feet touching the sand for the first time since she was 4 months old. We had high anticipation for the fun she would have playing in the sand with all the sand toys we brought with us. Those dreams were crushed very quickly. The only person that played with those toys was me. Not only did she not like the sand, but I had to wipe every last morsel off of her feet so that she would stop crying. This is me thinking....hmmm this could make beach trips a little intresting. Taylor with GinGin and PaPa GinGin still trying to get Taylor to like the sand or water. Taylor is looking back at me like "Stop taking my picture and come help me" GinGin: Isn't this fun Taylor Taylor: No, I want to go inside. She is really pointing at the house:) She didn't mind laying out since she was securely far away from the sand. I am sure John didn't mind the awesome tan lines he was getting. Taylor needs a refresher course on lady-like mannerisms. I will need to do better in those teachings...
The sweet ladies at daycare have struck again!! Taylor went to daycare with a really cute outfit on and I cant say the same for coming home from daycare. I did a double take when I first saw her and all that I could muster out was "well thats an interesting outfit". Our afternoon plans were quickly canceled. This kind of outfit is for our house's eyes only and now for my blogs'. Taylor would prefer to wear dirty clothes then this crazy mismatched outfit At least her books don't care what she has on Do you think this will be the new look in Vogue? Polka-dots with cupcake tights
My younger man finally turned the big 30 on Saturday! I am excited that we both are getting to experience the thirties together. It was not very much fun being "old" without him. Happy Birthday to the kindest, funniest, most generous and loving Man I know. I love, love, love growing old with you! As most of you are aware John has become quite the wine snob lately. His mom and his godmother, Jan each gave him a case of some of his favorite wines. I collected 30 funny pictures of John from all different stages of his life. I cut scrapbooking paper into long rectangles and cut out a whole at the top so that the top of the wine bottle could go through. I then glued a picture to each paper. They turned out adorable! I got this cute idea from my creative sister-in-law who did it for her moms 60th Birthday. I really cant imagine doing 60. I was tired after doing 30. Heres a picture of some of the bottles... If anyone needs a cute idea for someones big birthday. I highly recommend. We had some cups and cocktail napkins that said "Lets Toast John He's 30". They turned out really cute as well. Notice the gaudy little 30 signs hanging from the lights in the kitchen. There is always classy birthday decorations and then then just plain tacky and obnoxious decorations. I definitely seemed to be heading toward the tacky side of things. Johns 30th cake and balloon cookies. The balloons definitely made the cake look like it was for a 4 year old's birthday, but it sure did taste delicious.
The location of this birthday festivities was in Farmville, Virginia. Yes, Virginia does have a city named Farmville and it is the proud location of Hampden-Sydney College. The whole family was in Farmville for William's graduation which doesnt seem possible to me that four years have already gone by. Hampden-Sydney College is held very close to the hearts of many Moss men. Johns grandfather, his father, his uncle, and now his younger brother have all graduated from HSC. Its held close to my heart since that is the place that I first met my better half. We arrived in Farmville Friday night. We were staying with GinGin, PaPa and the Worthingtons in the cutest little cottage with the most amazing views. The outside of the cottage with the congratualtions banner for William. The crew who actually exercised over the weekend. PaPa, Alice, GinGin, Mary Gray and Taylor all went on a long walk. Taylor slept for the majority of it, but woke up the last bit and decided she would prefer if Aunt Alice carried her the rest of the way home. Taylor striking a pose on the stairs We spent majority of Saturday all playing outside. Since Taylor got up at 6am John and I spent majority of Saturday morning outside as well waiting for the sleeping beauties in our house to awake. The view from the back yard. Back to modeling on the stairs..... Still modeling. She even changes positions to get the perfect shot. She's a natural:) The whole crew Mary Gray and Taylor Taylor and GinGin having lots of fun together. Getting belly kisses from dada At graduation. We actually got to sit with the family for about 45 seconds before Taylor decided she would prefer running around in the back. I looked around and noticed all the kids were in the back running around. I think there is bribery going on in this picture.... The graduate with all of his cousins. William not only received his diploma at graduation, but he was also the recipient of a very prestigious award. If I actually got to sit through graduation I might have had a bulletin and then I could tell you what the award was, but since that didn't happen I can't tell you what award it was. When the award ceremony started John and I did walk back to the area so we were happy that we got to see him get the award. It was such an accomplishment to receive that award and we were all very proud of him. For my family....do you remember when I won the citizenship award 5 years in a row:) ohh right that ended in 5th grade and that was the last award I won. John, William and Alice-Cole. Congratualtions William!! We loved being with you for your graduation weekend. We can't wait to see what's in store for you next....we are positive it will be very impressive.
I was blog stalking and ran across this story about a family struggling with cancer. I was completely moved and saddened that I wanted to share it so that we could all pray for this family. Montye Gardner is a young mother and wife with two beautiful daughters (ages 5 and 3). She was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma cancer in the fall. She underwent extensive surgeries and was cancer free for 6 months. She just got horrible news that they believe the cancer is back and has mestastasized in her lungs. You can read about her story on her blog. After looking at her blog I realized that Montye went to Auburn University and was actually in my sorority. While you are saying your prayers tonight please include one for the Gardner family. Ask God to watch over them and let the healing begin. The power of prayer is an amazing thing!
Here are two pictures of the Gardner Family that I politely stole from their blog and website
I have a new found respect for nurses! I might be decent at lots of things, but being a nurse is not one of them. Don't ask my hubby because he will say I am the worst! My "sweet" (I am back using sweet on Sunday it was devil) baby had a really rough weekend. So in return the Moss Family had a really rough weekend. Taylor was absolutely pitiful! The only good thing that comes out of her being sick is the fact she turns into a major snuggle bunny. I absolutely loved all of the hugging and holding I got to do this weekend. My new arm muscles thank her as well. Poor Taylor was diagnosed with pink eye in both eyes, an ear infection (her very first one...that we are aware of), and bronchitis. Now you feel my pain when I said it was one LONG weekend?!?! We went back to the doctor this morning and she is doing much, much better. Her cute personality is back and the snuggles are gone:) She is still taking three medicines and John and I are taking them as well. I don't think that is what the doctor had in mind, but we don't have any desire to get her lovely illnesses. Mama, I don't feel good! At her finest.....MAMA, I DON'T FEEL GOOD! PICK ME UP!! Feeling much, much better now. Thanks Anne-Taylor and Alexander for the cute dress Someone getting shy... Taylor tending to her baby and trying to teach me how to be a better nurse. Good luck with that