Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Little Gardner!

Taylor and I went to a nursery today and picked out some beautiful flowers! I am pretty sure the owners of the nursery were not sad to see us leave after Taylor kept pulling the blossoms off of their plants and I accidentally dropped a whole carton of impatients. After the man slammed his shovel down I quickly told him I would be happy to pay for the beautiful, smashed impatients. They don't look so perky now, but I am sure they will come bouncing right back very soon:)

Taylor has her "shovel"...yes it is a spoon. All I can say is maybe don't come over for dinner when we are having any sort of soups!! I cant promise you that I wont be using that big "shovel" to stir with.

She was a little confused with what she was supposed to be shoveling. Once I showed her the dirt she quickly had it ALL over her.

If you look closely you can see that she has dirt all around her mouth! Mom of the Year!! I didn't even notice she was having a little appetizer.

One of Taylor's favorite things to do. Up the stairs and down the stairs. We do this multiple times a day! Lucky us

Break time....she even dropped her "shovel" for a bit

2nd break time. Off to go play with Aubrey. At this point she still is holding onto her "shovel" and a flower pot container.

I thought about taking a picture of my final product, but I don't think any one would be to impressed right now. Some of my flowers are a little pitiful looking. As the sweet man from the nursery said. "Just pinch off the damaged stems and they will grow right back!" I am really hoping he is correct.

Anna G thanks for the pink bow. Taylor has worn it a TON! It is our new favorite bow.

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