We got a Big, Bad Note sent home with Taylor from daycare. She was the unlucky victim of a blood curling bite. I had three reactions: 1. This vampire facination has got to stop! Toddlers are now biting each other 2. Taylor might be associating with the next Hannibal Lecter 3. Why was my child sticking her hand in someone else's mouth trying to steal their food?! The worst part is she had food in her own hand. Guess she liked what the other girl was eating better. The sweet ladies in daycare iced her little thumb down and I am happy to report that she is going to keep it. The other girl tried to eat it off, but Taylor has lots of extra cushion around her bones....I hope thats not from all the food she steals!
The pictures are not great, but I was holding her while she was sleeping and trying to take a picture. I need a third hand
Below are Taylor's one year photos. These are my favorite ones so far. Our photographer, Tina Jackson, (www.tinajackson.net) is amazing. So if anyone in Fredericksburg is looking for a photographer, I highly recommend her. Below are my top 11. Let me know which ones are your favorites!
If you would like to see them all go to www.tinajackson.net click on client proofs are our password is moss41610
We had an outdoor filled weekend. Saturday morning we had a park play date with Brayden and Angela. Then in the afternoon we went to watch William and his tennis team play Mary Washington College. Taylor was trying her best to distract the other team with her constant walking, babbling and gate shaking. Brayden and Taylor swinging on the swings together Not quite awake yet, but she is really enjoying the swing just not expressing it yet Brayden getting a little lift by his mom. I love that he swings with his car...so cute! Later you will see my outfit. No, Angela and I did not wake up Saturday morning and call each other and say "you must wear white shirt, jeans and cardigan". Taylor and her MC Hammer pants I'm not up to speed with the park toys names. So Taylor and Brayden are on something that spins in circles. I love the difference between a girl and boy. Taylor sat the whole time and was holding on for dear life. Brayden on the other hand never held on and wanted to stand and even attempted to walk while it was moving. Yes, Taylor must bring her "favorite" things on the ride with her. You never know when you might get thirsty or hungry Weee down the slide we go Taylor is taking a quick nap at the tennis courts. Yes, she is snoozing holding a sippy cup in one hand and her snacks in the other. She is not willing to take the risk that someone might take them. Look at that form! Go Uncle William Getting a lift from Dada This is on Sunday. Taylor has decided to go talk some thrash to Hampden Sydney's opposing team. GinGin teaching Taylor the love for a tennis ball at a young age On the catwalk I do my little stroll on the catwalk William, Taylor and GinGin. By looking at GinGin you might be thinking that the tennis match was played in Antarctica:)
Taylor goes to bed every night and asks God to let her wake up with Robert Pattinson's hair. I think her prayers are coming true. See the resemblance?
Last night we had dinner with GinGin, PaPa and Aunt Alice. Here are some pictures from our fun evening. Taylor is so proud of herself because she is figuring out how to put the rings on and put them in the correct order Taylor and GinGin. Taylor is enjoying her FAVORITE snack. Sadly if I let her she would eat the whole bag:) Looking at this picture you probably think I let her eat the whole bag. Before someone calls child services on me...NO I don't let me child walk around town with her big ole belly hanging out. Peek-a-boo has brought Taylor into hysterics Where's Taylor? There she is
More pictures coming soon. We have a morning play date with Brayden and were going to watch Uncle William and his tennis team play a big match at Mary Washington College.