I am excited to report that Taylor and sand are now friends!! I wouldn't say great friends, but tolerable friends. She sat in it and played in it, but still wasn't so sure about how it kept sticking to her. Needless it was a huge relief that she would let us put her down in it. We even went in the ocean and she loved it! So its a great start to our week at the beach!! Enjoy the pictures Sunglasses on and ready to go.... William and Taylor building a sandcastle together GinGin and Taylor Jan "Jancy" and GinGin What a life!!
Tonight Taylor decided to take her sippy cup and some snacks to bed with her. I am pretty sure this just canceled out my post called A Dentist's Dream. Since I am 100% positive that a dentist would prefer you not to take some snacks to sleep with you. I look forward to seeing what tomorrow's crib guest might be!
Ps: Before I get hate mail the snack container was empty:)
Taylor has a minor obsession with tooth brushes. It amazes me how observant she is. When I hand her a tooth brush, she reaches for the tooth paste. Next, she pretends to put tooth paste on her tooth brush. Once that step is over she begins to brush her teeth. The only small problem is once she has a tooth brush in her hands, it is very hard to get it out of her hands. Since we have faced this problem many times, John and I are now the proud owners of new tooth brushes. Taylor has our two old ones. I am not joking when I say that this is how Taylor went to sleep tonight. I will be sneaking in her room later to retrieve our new tooth brushes so we are able to brush our teeth tonight. Sweet girl getting ready to dream about becoming a dentist. Taylor says Good Night!
I haven't posted any pictures lately because I was in Seattle for work. I am back in HOT Virginia and will start snapping away. Taylor gave me the cold shoulder yesterday, but we were back to being best friends today. Glad she forgives me for abandoning her so quickly.
These photos are old. They are from a week ago when we went to Richmond to have a play date with the Scribners and Broocks. We went to the Richmond Children's Museum which is amazing and then to the pool. It was such a fun day and Miss Taylor was passed out before I finished reversing out of Bess's driveway. Taylor driving her pickup truck. Her back passenger was William, but he got a little cut out of the picture. Meet some of our new Amish friends. William, Ellie, Kasey and Taylor in the shadow butterfly room. Taylor was not so sure about this room and we quickly departed it after she karate chopped the screen.
Our Saturday play date was so much fun! I loved seeing Bess and Madeline and meeting adorable Amelia and Riley. They are too cute for words as you will see below. Taylor had a grand ole time and sorry Mrs. Broocks for the Taylor Tornado that came through. She can empty a toy cabinet, dump snacks and throw sippy cups faster then I can contain her or clean up. Besides the destruction that we left she certainly had a fabulous time making the mess and meeting her new friends. We are looking forward to another play date with them very soon.
Three Auburn girls and four future Auburn graduates! Amelia befriending Riley Is she not the cutest thing ever? Amelia and Riley having a collision while crawling. These two were much easier to photograph since they stayed pretty much in the same area. I cannot say the same thing for my daughter. I am not even sure if she was in the same room during this picture! There she is! Riley watching the Taylor Tornado go by.
Saturday night the Schaaf's came over with Miss Isabel. She is 3 months old now and so adorable. The two dads with their daughters. Anne Taylor with Isabel. Isabel is starring at the ceiling light which is obviously much more entertaining then me trying to take her photo.
.....because she gets to see so many fun friends on Saturday. William and Amelia Scribner are in town from California. Last summer she had a couple of play dates with William. So she is super excited about hanging with her older man. Taylor and Amelia will have there first meet-and-greet and will become as great as friends as her mom and I. She also gets to meet Riley Pittenger whose mommy is one of my college friends. Our fingers are crossed that Ellie Broocks makes an appearance as well. Lastly we get to spend Saturday night with Isabel Schaaf. Taylor is going to have one fun Saturday I dont know if she or I will be able to handle it. Taylor is pretty impressed with William! They are so cute together! I think William might have been going in for a big kiss Do you think William is laughing at Taylor's hair? I would be if I was him
We had a wonderful Memorial Day at the river. It was great to just relax by the pool and get some much needed sun. Taylor was actually a fan of the pool which was great. Now we just need her to become a fan of sand and we are all set for our beach trips.
Taylor's latest thrill. Feeding herself. I for one would like to go back to me feeding her. Its much quicker and cleaner. Hampden and Aubrey prefer this method. Please notice that she has carrots even by her ear. Her aim needs a little work This is what happens when you A) try and take the spoon or food out of her hand B) Food runs out and she is not ready for that to happen yet. In this example B was the problem Angela, Brayden, John and Taylor. The water was a little chilly for me so I took the role of lifeguard and camera man. Brayden modeling for me or as he calls me ZuZu Ready lets go! Please notice the out of control curls escaping from her hat. Her hair is getting curlier and curlier. It is so adorable, but does make for some interesting hairstyles. Cousin William has a matching bathing suit so they are going to look really cute on the beach together. ps. To the Gaylord Family. These bathing suits come in boy and girl versions so I think you all need them for the next lobster diving trip in the keys. You would all look so festive:) Brayden is back modeling for ZuZu B and T's game. Fill up the containers with water and dump them Taylor preferred to dump on herself while Brayden preferred to dump on the patio or on the plants.
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day. We certainly have so much to be thankful for!