Friday, April 22, 2011

Book Worm

I felt like a good mom because Taylor loves books. She loves people reading to her, especially when the books have to do with dogs. I cant seem to get her down for nap or bedtime without reading at least 5 books. Sorry babysitters! It doesn't matter how tired I am at the end of the day it makes me laugh hysterically listening to John read her books. He gets extremely animated....I think he might have missed his calling. Taylor also insists that all the books go to bed with her. I watch her on her monitor and she just lays in beds looking at her books.

This morning those feelings of being a good mom went away when I saw the LARGE collection of books in her bed. That cant be safe...whoops:)

I promise this is not a posed picture.
As a side note if you do not have the book the Napping House you MUST get it. Its adorable. Taylor got it for her birthday from her friend Eve and it is her favorite book right now. I even enjoy reading it.

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