If you would like photo overload go to http://www.tinajackson.net/ click on client proofs and the password is moss42111.
The toy did provide some entertainment while it lasted
My picky eater still doesn't eat anything remotely healthy. She loves her carbs. You can imagine my surprise when she wanted to eat oatmeal with me. Well technically she only wanted to eat dry oatmeal. She wouldn't let me put water in hers and refused to try mine. I probably ruined oatmeal for her since that couldn't have tasted good.
She only ate a few bites....guess she quickly realized it tasted terrible
Lastly, Rawlings and James Grossnickle had their first meet and greet. There is a 15 week age difference.
This is a funny pictures of Taylor. Wearing her Daddy's Auburn golf hat from Big Man and sporting her shades