Today was my 20 week ultrasound appointment and we did not find out the sex. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be. I was getting very curious looking at the screen. I am glad that we stayed strong and look forward to the big reveal. I scanned a few of my ultrasound pics. The quality is not that great, but you can kind of tell. Meet half baked baby Moss. Baby Moss is looking directly at the camera
Side profile also showing his/her spine Saluting the camera. 5 little fingers Chilling away with his/her feet crossed. If its like Taylor he/she is probably anticipating what it's having for lunch!
Taylor has a very important message for you all! She say's WAR EAGLE!! One of my sorority sisters Brooke took this picture of her for someone trying to sell the outfit Taylor has on. As you can see I might need to find out more details....
I fell behind again. There is a lot going on at the Moss house and I just cant seem to find the time to upload pictures and post them. Here are the latest.... On Friday Taylor had a very fun play date with Gin Gin and Aunt Alice. She got to spend the morning with them at the park and had her very first Slurpee. I am sure it will not be a surprise to any of you that she loved it.
Taylor is very excited because we told her we were leaving to go eat dinner at the Riley's House! Dear Gracie, I know that you thought I looked sweet, but sorry for traumatizing you and trying to step on you. I guess kitties don't like to be chased and tackled like my dogs do. You can come out from under the bed now I am gone.
To back up Taylor's letter to Gracie. Please watch this short video and see her body slam a 65 pound dog. Sweet Aubrey just takes it and I am pretty sure loves it!
In this quick video I think Taylor has aspirations to be a Polish line dancer. For the record I left the house and she was normally dressed. I came home from the grocery store and found her dressed like this. I thought we had moved to 2 Trailer Park Road. John said she insisted on putting on this special number. The positive is I am happy to see she decided to keep her bow in.
I started out last week doing so good with my posts and then failed miserably in the end!! To give a quick summary Thursday was Water Day. Which consists of playing in sprinklers and baby pools. Friday was PJ day. Taylor doesn't usually go to daycare on Friday's so she didn't get to participate. Here are a few pictures from the last few days...
We had a dinner date with Brayden and Angela on Thursday night. This was by far the best dinner date we have had with them. They sat in highchairs for the majority of dinner. Angela and I got to finish sentences and stories. In the end they were playing with each other and having fun! We look forward to next months dinner date. Taylor selected a very entertaining book to read to Brayden. Brayden saying cheeeessseee Stupid flash!! I was outside of the restaurant and they were inside looking at me through the window. John and Fitzhugh played in the Fredericksburg Men's Doubles Tennis Tournament this weekend. Congrats to them because they were the big winners! Now we have more beautiful tennis crapola in our house....I mean trophies:) A little shot of the guys.... It was a little hot at the tennis match so Taylor thought she would cool off. By the end we all thought she had the right idea and wanted to play with her. I guess I should start packing spare clothes, towels and swimsuits with me.
I watched a documentary awhile ago called "The Children of the Mountains" and it was about kids being addicted to Mountain Dew that lived in Western Kentucky. It was terribly disturbing and sad. I looked over at John and Taylor on Sunday and realized that we could end up on "The Children of the Mountains Part II". Kathryn, you can save your comments I know I am a ROYAL dork who watches 20/20.
Today was mismatch day and the snack was Oreo cookies. I had a hard time with mismatch day as well because I honestly would have been bothered all day by her mismatched outfit. I did as much mismatching as I could handle. My big mismatch was that I put hot pink shoes and a bow with a yellow and red outfit. I am sure the ladies at daycare thought that looked normal since Taylor has sported incorrect color bows before
I also have realized that my daughter LOVES chocolate. Hungry Mungry found the brownies and helped herself to some. Yes, she is trying to put the whole thing in her mouth. This is the aftermath. We went straight upstairs and had bath time.
Today was sports day at Taylor's daycare and the snack was worms-n-dirt. Our choices were very slim since her Auburn cheerleading outift is too small and her Auburn skirt is too big. She does have an 18 month pink MOSS Washington Redskin Jersey, but it wouldn't fit over her head. Maybe now I do see why her head is in the 100 percentile. I was left to get a little creative. Taylor was a cowgirl.....I know I said it was a stretch.
This is my convo this morning with John: John: What is she? Susan: A cowgirl John: How is that a sport? Susan: She is a rodeo girl and I say riding bulls and horses is a sport I won!
It's Fun Palooza at Taylor's daycare this week. Everyday has a dressing theme and a fun snack to go with it. Today was Poke-A-Dot Monday and the snack was doughnut holes. She was not all smiles on her way to daycare, but she was BIG smiles on the way home.