Saturday, January 16, 2010


Remember I lived in Alabama, so kissing cousins to me is just fine. Technically Brayden is a second cousin once removed...I think. All that once removed stuff is very confusing. I see nothing wrong with a 9 1/2 month old and a 17 month old sharing a quick kiss. We are just starting them out young. I'm just kidding "Incest is not best". But if you can look past the fact that they are kind of related this is by far the cutest B and T picture yet!!

Here are a few more cute pictures from our play date!

Taylor trying to get a piggy back ride from Brayden. Brayden trying to escape from Taylor

Taylor is begging or should I say forcing him to stay. He is pleading for her to let him go.

We quickly moved onto snack time. Snack time was a big hit for both. Brayden seriously has about 6 cheese curls in his mouth in this picture. Taylor's cup is empty, so she moved on to eating the actual cup.

Even Abby participated in the play date. As you can see she is licking her lips because she ate about half of their snacks.

1 comment:

  1. #1 - kissing cousinc NEVER counts with they hit like 10 and 11 maybe you should stop, but until then, it is adorable!
    #2 - we have those same snacking cups and my boys STILL use them and love them...esp. in the car!
