Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 Months Old

Taylor turned 10 months old on Monday. Its hard for me to believe my little baby has gotten so big. She has been out of my belly longer then she was in my belly:) My sweet gift to her for her 10 month birthday was a pediatrician appointment. The doctor flat out told me that my sweet "little" baby's measurements were that of a one year old and that she was going to be one tall girl. Thanks MOSSES and JOHNSONS. At 10 months Taylor's stats are:
Weight - 22.4 pounds (she likes food; what can I say)
Height - 30 inches (Thanks John)
Head Circumference - 46 cm
Here are some pictures that I snapped of her today!

Taylor LOVES the tupperware drawer. She takes everything out and then puts it back in and then takes it back out. At least she somewhat cleans up after herself

Hampden is supervising making sure that no food magically appears out of that drawer

Taylor LOVES bath time. I need a wetsuit since after the bath is over I am completely soaked and so is the floor.

Meet Cindy Lou - Cindy Lou is saying "Where are my peeps from whoville"

1 comment:

  1. Susan, you are such a good photographer! Such great shots as always :)
