Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Survived Alaska and I Survived being Away from My Little Baby

Alaska was absolutely beautiful!! The air was so crisp and fresh and the natural beauty was amazing. I am disappointed to say that I didn't see a bear but I did see three moose. One of the last days I went for a long hike and was praying then that I wouldn't have any bear encounters. Here are a few pictures from Alaska:

Mt McKinley or as the natives say Denali

We took a plane to Mt. Mckinley and landed on a glacier. This is me standing on a glacier

Two eagles hangin in a tree

Some Alaskan Huskies practicing for the Iditarod sled race

Sunset view of Mt. McKinley

Always makes you feel good when your tour guide walks around with a shot gun. You never know what you might encounter. As a side note our guide lived in a tent....and yes it was his choice. He looked at me with a strange face when I asked him where he showered.

John was Mr. Mom and Mr. Dad last week. He did a wonderful job and I really think he enjoyed the bonding time. Since I have returned he is now telling me how to do everything! He is the reason I survived being away from my baby. First thing every morning I had a picture of her and every night he sent one as well. Everyone on my trip fell in love with my daily pictures. So it was fun getting to show them off everyday. Here are a few of my favorites:

Subject line: Good Morning Mommy I love you

Subject line: I miss you already. This is her making her new favorite noise

Subject line: Getting my sun on

Subject line: Happy Hump day

Subject line: Hi Mommy

Subject line: Happy Friday

I am sure a few of you might be wondering what Taylor wore all week and how John did on dressing her and how many bows she sported. I picked out every outfit and laid them on the floor in order. I showed him where all the bows were placed on each outfit:) He got it all right!!

The last picture is Taylor in her gift from Alaska. I am sure she is thinking my mom went to Alaska and all I got were PJ's

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