Monday, August 1, 2011

The #1 Beach Necessity is....

BABYSITTERS!!! I adore these girls and they made all of our lives soooo much easier. Thank you "Mini" and "Kirby" for loving on our babies. Can you please come over to my house now because you both spoiled me and now I need help?:)

LC and Taylor sporting their neon sunglasses.

The girls did lots of bottle feedings and spent lots of time with worn out kiddos inside

LC with Taylor and William

"Touch your head to the sand"

Libby and Taylor going for a run

Laura Catherine and William were right behind them

It was just not possible to get all four people to look at me at the same time

The Baby Whisperer and Rawlings. Rawlings loved all the nap time rocking's he got.

You know I love close ups:)

Libbys turn

The amazing King cousins.

I am obnoxious with the camera...sorry girls!


  1. You girls were awesome!! Come on down to Nashville anytime.

  2. Babysitters (or family who loves kids) are worth a million dollars on vacation! Looks like you had a blast...better be packing away all those adorable clothes!
