The snow stacked up after we shoveled our walkway.

Taylor was sleeping so we went and played in it. The dogs LOVE the snow. You can tell how deep it is by looking at Aubrey.

Snow Angel

I am attempting to run in the snow.

Rich, this picture is for you. John wanted you to know he was practicing for our beach trip. You might be wondering if boogie boarding in the snow would work....

It doesn't. By far my favorite picture of the day. Please click on it so you can see all the snow on his face....haha

Scenery shot

After nap time we decided to attempt a family walk. John had major cabin fever and wanted to get out of the house. Family walk consisted of walking three houses down. Taylor was not a fan of the snow hitting her face...to be honest I wasn't either. We like being inside in the heat.

There is a car somewhere underneath all that snow.
Taylor decided she wasn't really ready for her afternoon nap. I could hear her talking over the monitor. We have a video monitor so I turned it on to see what she was doing. This is what I saw...

Its safe to say, Taylor found the video monitor.
ha! smart girl