Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Beautiful Warm Weekend and a Special Visitors

We finally had a nice "warm" weekend. When I say warm I mean high 40's. It was warm enough to start melting away some of our snow....thank goodness. We took advantage and spent some time outside. John's dad "Poppy" and Charlotte "MimiC" came to see us on Saturday. Taylor had a grand ole time with Poppy and MimiC. Poppy was sweet enough to teach her a lovely new trick. You will see pictures below. Taylor is officially walking. She still crawls when she wants to get somewhere fast, but she loves walking.

Taylor, the 1970's called and they would like their bell bottoms back

The snow is melting.....we can finally see the tops of our landscaping lights.

Getting a ride from Poppy

Poppy and Taylor's new trick. Poppy would stick his tongue out to the side and she would copy him. She now proceeds to walk around with her tongue hanging out to the side.

Taylor loves her Poppy

Here is the video of Taylor walking. Sorry for the loud noises in the background

My favorite part is when Taylor realizes she drops her lovie and has to stop and pick it up. Who wants to walk without their lovie?!?!


  1. PRECIOUS!! Ellie is just starting to take a few steps... Taylor is doing SO well! I can't believe our babies are this big! LOVE that face!

  2. Oh my goodness smart girl!!!! I think when they just start walking is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!! I love her new trick, her bell bottoms and her sweet little steps! You go girl!
