Sunday, February 28, 2010

MiMi Comes to Town and Birthday Party

Mimi came into town this week to visit us and help GinGin with her big renovation. We LOVED having her here and I think GinGin and PaPa are still recovering from the fast moving and decision- making extraordinaire of Pat Pankow. Hopefully MiMi will come back very soon!!

The three of us saying bye-bye to Mimi

You might be wondering if babies have muffin tops...the answer is YES:)

Going for a little stroll

Taylor's good friend Anna also turned one this week. So we went to her birthday party on Saturday. You might recall but Anna is the little girl Taylor beat up. I am proud to say that Taylor was on her best behavior and played very nicely with Anna. Thank goodness she didn't pull anyone's hair or steal toys this time around.

Taylor and the birthday girl. Notice they have matching shoes

Taylor loves walking and is getting better and better at it everyday

Brayden and Taylor. B doesn't sit still so this was as good of a picture as I could get of the two of them.

Taylor practicing being the birthday girl. Her big day is getting closer and closer

The real birthday girl waiting for her yummy birthday cake

Friday, February 26, 2010

HELP I cant get OUTTTT....

This is what happens when you play in Aubrey's kennel.

Yes, she was crying and yes I was laughing. I couldn't help myself so I had to snap a few pictures of her with my phone. That explains the bad quality.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Sweet Nephew William Pankow has Some News!!

Rich and Jenny are expecting their second baby September 23, 2010

I am so excited to meet Baby Pankow. Pray for Jenny, being pregnant is very brutal for her. Sickness, sickness go away!

Dear Baby Pankow,

Your big brother beat me up a few times when I was little. I would like to say that I don't have those characteristics, but I do. So WATCH out!!

Love you,


ps. Just in case you wanted to see proof

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Beautiful Warm Weekend and a Special Visitors

We finally had a nice "warm" weekend. When I say warm I mean high 40's. It was warm enough to start melting away some of our snow....thank goodness. We took advantage and spent some time outside. John's dad "Poppy" and Charlotte "MimiC" came to see us on Saturday. Taylor had a grand ole time with Poppy and MimiC. Poppy was sweet enough to teach her a lovely new trick. You will see pictures below. Taylor is officially walking. She still crawls when she wants to get somewhere fast, but she loves walking.

Taylor, the 1970's called and they would like their bell bottoms back

The snow is melting.....we can finally see the tops of our landscaping lights.

Getting a ride from Poppy

Poppy and Taylor's new trick. Poppy would stick his tongue out to the side and she would copy him. She now proceeds to walk around with her tongue hanging out to the side.

Taylor loves her Poppy

Here is the video of Taylor walking. Sorry for the loud noises in the background

My favorite part is when Taylor realizes she drops her lovie and has to stop and pick it up. Who wants to walk without their lovie?!?!

My Little Helper!

Taylor felt it was time that I cleaned out her drawers and organized them better. She was so sweet to empty everything out of them for me. She does it so fast that I cant even come up with a distraction plan fast enough. The not so helpful part is she feels the need to clean out drawers every time we enter her room or my room. Guess this is my payback for showing her the tupperware drawer.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Blizzard of 2K10

I didn't think I would ever hear myself say these words, BUT I am completely over the snow. It sure is beautiful when it is coming down and fun to play in for about 30 minutes. Shoveling snow, defrosting your car, working for hours to get your car out of your driveway, cleaning your floors consistently because snow keeps getting dragged in, is NOT so much fun. So, I think it would be perfect if the snow would fall, look beautiful and then melt away and leave the following day. Here are some pictures of our major snow blizzard last weekend.

The snow stacked up after we shoveled our walkway.

Taylor was sleeping so we went and played in it. The dogs LOVE the snow. You can tell how deep it is by looking at Aubrey.

Snow Angel

I am attempting to run in the snow.

Rich, this picture is for you. John wanted you to know he was practicing for our beach trip. You might be wondering if boogie boarding in the snow would work....

It doesn't. By far my favorite picture of the day. Please click on it so you can see all the snow on his face....haha

Scenery shot

After nap time we decided to attempt a family walk. John had major cabin fever and wanted to get out of the house. Family walk consisted of walking three houses down. Taylor was not a fan of the snow hitting her be honest I wasn't either. We like being inside in the heat.

There is a car somewhere underneath all that snow.

Taylor decided she wasn't really ready for her afternoon nap. I could hear her talking over the monitor. We have a video monitor so I turned it on to see what she was doing. This is what I saw...

Its safe to say, Taylor found the video monitor.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Play Date with Anna

Today we went over to the Beringer's and had a play date. Anna is one month older then Taylor and they might not be aware of it yet, but they are going to be great friends. Well Anna might not want to be Taylor's friend after Taylor stole all of her toys, pulled her hair and acted like she had never heard of the word SHARE. Here are some pictures:

Taylor and Anna looking at Dewer. Notice Taylor's big girl shoes. They squeak when she walks. I wonder how long it will take until John and I rip the squeakers out?!?!

Taylor trying to take away Anna's toy.

Taylor is mad because she wants Anna's toy.

Anna and Taylor playing nicely for now...

Follow the leader. Over the table leg under the lamp cord. Final destination - doll house

You might cute they are holding hands. Don't be fooled Taylor is mad and is probably hitting her or something.

Laid back Anna, Sweet Sally and disheveled, tired, hungry Taylor

We have been home for 2 hours and she is still sleeping. Our morning play date wore her out.

Anybody else want to have a play date with us? I swear she is usually sweet:)