Friday, July 29, 2011

Part 2: We Have A Little Fish

Taylor has zero fear of the water. She loves to dunk her head in and completely go under and swim around. It was making me a nervous nelly. If we had one more week there I really think she would have been swimming away. Needless to say she has asked to go to the pool everyday since we have been home.

John and Rich spent a LOT of time in the pool with the kiddos. Leave it to these two to come up with some sort of floating competition.

I swear she is not drowning. Now you can see why I was a nervous nelly. She would just pop up take a breath, jump around and then go back under

Still hanging out under water

Still under....

Williams turn

Jumping off of the steps was another activity done about 100 times.

and their off....

John doing an impressive forward flip. Do you think the life guard is A)Checking out my husband? B)Staring at him because she is witnessing a 6'6" guy doing a flip? C) Wishing she had a Me Pokey tattoo?

Zooming the car back and forth

John and his little man

Cute George in another outfit by Mrs. Fields

William slightly smiling for me.

I love this picture!

We tried again to get a good pic of the 4 kiddos. NOPE! I do love how Taylor is trying to hold George and is smothering poor Rawlings. William is saying "CAKE". We promised treats to try and get them all to smile.

Rich and his cute boys

The Pankow Clan

Their reward for half-way smiling at us

Cute George says last batch of photos coming soon.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

3rd Annual Moss/Pankow Beach Trip

Get Comfy, grab a cocktail because you are about to have photo OVERLOAD! I took over 500 pictures at the beach and I condensed it down to my favorite 56 photos. I have divided them up in to 3 parts. So here's the first set! As always our beach trip was amazing. William and Taylor are adorable together and played a TON! Thank you Jimbee and Ginnie for letting us stay at your gorgeous beach house!

The sweet kiddos checking out the beach and patiently waiting on us to hurry up and take them down

I couldn't resist I had to run down and catch the picture from the other side

Rich sporting two adorable babies and the Pankow Double Chin! Ha

Holy Cuteness! George is very ready for his partner in crime to grow up a tad and play with him. Rawlings really wanted George to take off his cute turtle bubble and give it to him...or maybe that was me!

Who is very happy because he is inside and everyone else is outside in the heat?

Taylor and William playing in the sand dunes

My sweet boy!

His eyes are the most gorgeous blue color

A little Toy Story 3 time

This was done multiple times a day. Running up and down the deck

"Say Cheese William"

William and Taylor discussing what they should do next

They decided on running

Taking a little break. He was probably saying "Juice Susu" Rich and Jenny are probably thrilled that I got William addicted to Fruitables.

I could eat him up!! You can tell this boy is going to be a looker! Watch out ladies

Rich and his mini me

Afternoon stroll

Jenny and Rich

Me and the hubs

Miss Taylor cheesing for the camera. Her hair keeps getting blonder and blonder

William and Taylor not wanting to smile at me! Jennys mom made the kids all matching outfits (the ones in the above picture). They are adorable and they all looked so cute in them. Unfortunately we could not get a good picture of them all together in them

Picture time abruptly ended! It was the next day before this picture was found funny!HA

More pictures coming soon!! Hope I didn't bore you all to death:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Dad Will Be Very, Very Happy

Because Taylor LOVES Cherries! If you knew how picky she is this is a huge surprise. She tried one at the grocery store and immediately said "Old" (which is what she says to everything that she doesn't want anymore), but to my surprise she tried another one when we got home. Taylor removes the stem, hands me the cherry and says "seed out", I bite the cherry in half give her both pieces and the seed. She then proceeds to make little piles for her seeds, stems, and not eaten cherry half's. Wonder where she gets her OCD from:)

Thoroughly enjoying the Cherries. I think she could be in the next Twilight movie with this look.

How hysterical are those piles?!?! You know I was a proud momma

We are home from the beach! TONS of pictures coming soon....

Friday, July 15, 2011


"I go Potay" is what Taylor announces as she runs out of her room to her restroom.

I 100% agree it is completely appropriate to accessorise for a date with the potty. Two purses, keds, and a stroller is completely normal:)

Ohhh the joys of potty training!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Giggle Box

Rawlings favorite person in the world is Taylor. She can make him laugh like crazy!! I took this video from my IPhone so the quality is not great, BUT his hysterical laughter completely made my day! Enjoy

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Poor Rawlings!

My happy little boy was just minding his own business on the floor happily playing by himself. I got down on the floor to take his picture and I guess that was when Miss Taylor.....

decided he needed to look like Woody. He didn't seem to mind the hat....BUT

he wasn't so thrilled when Taylor practically smuched him to get into the next picture....and

Was flat out MAD when she tossed his hat off!

In a completely different side cute is all his super blonde hair coming in? Its so blonde that he still looks like a bald baby.

4th of July at the Creek

After we got home from the beach we went to the creek. The Mosses don't sit still very long. Thank goodness our kiddos are good sports. We had such a fun time hanging out with everyone. As soon as we pulled in the driveway Taylor started screaming "pooooollll".

Tay chillen on the raft

She loved to jump off the diving board. She prefers to go on two instead of three:)

Shes off...

Hydrating before some tennis

Rawlings was enjoying the tennis match

Eye on the ball....

Hurry up daddy, I'm ready for the ball

Her ready position cracked me up every time. Half the time she looked like she was about to do a split.