Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekend Get Away!

One of Johns very best friends got married this weekend in DC. So the hubs and I had a little weekend get away. I think I was supposed to feel sad when I was saying goodbye to my kids. As I peeled one off of my legs, I couldn't run fast enough to the car. Mama was ready for a mini vacay minus kiddos. We had a great time hanging out with good friends and the Hunt/Murry wedding was gorgeous.

John and I at the Rehearsal dinner which was held at the Sulgrave Club

Our beautiful flower arrangement

Brunch the next day

John and I at the reception which was held at the Chevy Chase Country Club. By far the most beautiful country club I have ever been to.

John and Alexander

Some of our very best friends...The Schaafs

The back of the club. I wish I had taken a picture of the front. It was Gorgeous

The wedding party

Davis and Sarah dancing to Crazy Love

Luke (who was another groomsmen and HSC graduate) sang Crazy Love

I love flowers at weddings so I always take pictures of the flowers:) Another table arrangement

My tables arrangement and more importantly my glass of red wine

The cake which sadly I didn't even have. The band was way too good to stop and eat cake

The soon to be Mr and Mrs Wright. We have their wedding in October in St. Louis. Anybody want to watch two calm, quiet kids??? Ok, two things in that last sentence are a lie

Some more of Johns good buddies from HSC


  1. You look beautiful!!!

    Only 22 more days until we come. So excited to be with you guys.

  2. Great pics! I know you guys had a wonderful time :) Nothing like having your hands and legs free of little people for a little while!

  3. Well you look gorgeous as always!

    And backing up a few posts....i LOVE the first picture of Taylor from her pictures. Absolutely gorgeous!
    miss you!
